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Farmer-Led Producer Groups Gaining Speed in Wisconsin


Thoughts from the Ozaukee County Land and Water Management Dept.

The latest edition of AGRI-VIEW highlights the many positive outcomes of the 2021 growing season and growing Farmer-Led groups. From the yield trends in no-till and rye cover crop trials to increased partnerships for farmers to spread conservation practices and the successful outreach these farmers have had through educational events and field days.

The Clean Farm Families is looking to grow in their conservation practice incentives to include planting green and pasturing, and promoting the newly formed Grazing Network. Contact Katie Werner at Ozaukee County with the CFF for more information about the conservation practices you are looking to incorporate in your operation in 2022 as well as information for upcoming Grazing Network events, as we plan on launching the group with a pasture field day in 2022!

The best part about these Farmer-Led Producer groups is you! No idea is a bad idea when it comes to landowners striving to be the best stewards on their land.

Follow the Clean Farm Families website and Facebook page and stay informed on our conservation practices!

***REMINDER*** 2022 sign up to rent the Ozaukee County and the CFF Interseeder no-till drill is open! If you don't have the equipment or ability to try no-till and cover crops, Contact Katie Werner for sign up information: Phone: (262) 284-8279, Cell: (262-483-9740,

Thank you Lynn Grooms at AGRI-VIEW, The Clean Farm Families and the Grazing Network, keep up the great work!

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