From the desk of the Director of Ozaukee Land & Water Department Andy Holschbach:
Our department is providing 8 Soil Health Scholarships to Ozaukee County Farmers to attend the National No-Tillage Conference, January 4 -7, 2022, in Louisville, Kentucky.
The scholarships will cover the cost of registration, travel, lodging and meals. Farmers interested in attending should contact me on or before Wednesday, December 15th. Here is a link with info on the conference, https://www.no-tillfarmer.com/nntc
For information on the scholarship contact Andy:
Andy Holschbach, Director
Land & Water Management Department
Ozaukee County
121 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 994
Port Washington, WI 53074
Phone 262-284-8271 or 262-238-8271
National No-Tillage Conference
For more than a quarter of a century, the National No-Tillage Conference has been providing the practical tips and information you need to run a more successful no-till operation. In our 30th anniversary year, we're returning to beautiful downtown Louisville, Ky., January 4-7, 2022, at the legendary Galt House Hotel. This will be nothing less than a very special occasion — and we want to celebrate this milestone with you!
This 30th annual conference offers a mix of thought-provoking General Sessions, expert-led No-Till Classrooms and collaborative No-Till Roundtables. Plus, valuable pesticide recertification and Certified Crop Advisor credits are available to qualifying attendees.
Just as important is the opportunity for you to profit from unlimited hallway networking with the most innovative and forward-thinking minds in no-till during this January event that kicks off the 2022 crop production season. Don’t miss out!
To view the agenda click here: http://www.no-tillfarmer.com/nntc-program
To register click here: https://www.no-tillfarmer.com/nntc-register